Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 6, 2008

Warhammer: Battle March (2008)


The Genre: Add-on / Strategy (Real-time) / 3D
Year of release: 2008
The Developer: Black Hole Entertainment
The Publisher: Namco Bandai Games America
Language: English

The Description:
In bloody slaughter between armies of Empire and hordes of the Chaos, weakened both side, the third force has interfered. Having taken advantage of the successful moment, mighty leader Gorbash has collected greater army of orks and goblins. Зеленокожие, overwhelmed by thirst of blood and rich extraction, move ahead on the grounds of Empire ruined by long war, сметая everyone to whom has not carried it to appear on their way. Them skilfully manipulate capricious, artful and severe dark эльфы, dreaming about destruction of the light relatives.
Developers meet numerous requests of players and have made аддон even more sated, complex and interesting. « The march of destruction » adds in game new single campaign and two new, extraordinary popular races of world Warhammer - orks and dark эльфов. Owing to the improved computer intelligence and corrections in balance game became more difficultly and more interestingly. The tactical component has been strengthened, the choice of possible mercenaries is expanded. Heroes and commanders of armies now possess new skills and skills. The schedule in аддоне became on the order реалистичнее, new animation of fighters in fight has been added. The worked multiplayer includes some modes, including global Online World Domination, and to create unique army and cards for network fights it became easier owing to the new editor.

In a basis of the given addition the huge tactical and strategic potential of game, and also rich history of the game Universe is incorporated so to miss precisely will not have

Note: all download links in one text file


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